Managing Partner, Pipertel Communications.
Co-founder of Pipertel, Tom's experience started with one of the Bell companies when they had such things as telephone poles in major cities! Coming up through the ranks with AT&T and Avaya, Tom holds the specialized telecommunications classification as a Certified Senior - Tier 3 Engineer.

Managing Partner
15 Years in the retail management/customer service industry
8 Years experience with Avaya equipment
Avaya Certified Specialist

Dennis Bukantis - Customer Relations Manager
Customer Relations Manager
Dennis brings 25 years sales, sales management and customer service experience to Pipertel. Serving our Business Enterprise Customers is first and foremost in all that he does. Dennis staffs the Pipertel Customer Relations Office in Denver.

Dejan (Dan) has over twenty years experience in sales/travel and operated Danny Travel in New York City before relocating to Lakewood, Colorado where he makes his home with his wife and two children. Dejan is fluent in several languages and a graduate of Chinese Language School in Beijing, China. Dejan holds credentials in travel, property and casualty insurance and now telecommunications!
Complaint Department

Pipertel Communications is a registered competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC) with the Colorado Public Utilities Commision
Pipertel Communications, 9580 W. 14th Ave. Unit 100 Lakewood, CO 80215 | 720.246.1178 | info@pipertel.com
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